About the programme
The Bioteka Association conducts projects for nature and environmental protection and professional research activities with the aim of contributing to the conservation and protection of nature in the Republic of Croatia. Members of our Association are experienced biologists, experts in various fields, persons trained to work on professional biological projects, recognised as associates of the public and private sector with which they cooperate in research and management projects, projects for monitoring the status of species and habitats, as well as environmental impact assessments.
The Association’s research activities are as follows:
Scientific and professional research of flora, fauna and habitats (inventory, biomonitoring, biodiversity monitoring, analysis of impacts of planned projects, creating expert base proposals for declaring areas as protected, expert base proposals for endangered species action plans and plans for managing protected areas and NATURA 2000 areas).

Biological research of living communities on the sea bottom (marine biocenosis) using the method of visual observation in situ by freediving (APNEA) or by diving with the use of self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA)
Identification and mapping of marine habitats
Analysis of current situation, statistical and other processing of data and analysis of impacts of planned projects or other environmental changes on marine biocenosis
Monitoring of species and habitats, particularly monitoring the status of seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica)

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of ichthyofauna of inland waters
Analysis of current situation, statistical and other processing of data and analysis of impacts of planned projects or other environmental changes on ichthyofauna
Monitoring of species

Research, inventory, analysis of status and processing of data about avifauna
Analysis of impacts of planned projects or other environmental changes on avifauna
Monitoring of species

Research, inventory, analysis of status and processing of data about amphibian and reptile fauna
Analysis of impacts of planned projects or other environmental changes on herpetofauna
Monitoring of species
General information
Bioteka – association for promotion of biology and related sciences
Address: Vladimira Preloga 7, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Bank Account Number: HR3024020061101169872, Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Founded in 2010.