The information programme is carried out by maintaining our two web portals, and and through the Association’s profiles on social media.
The information programme aims to:
- Educate, inform and raise the public’s awareness of important but frequently overlooked issues that science is concerned with today (ecology and nature protection, biodiversity, science, global warming and climate change, human health and psychology, disease, food, energy, sustainable development, etc.);
- Provide space for networking and exchange of expert, verified and up-to-date information for readers, members of our Association, scientists, experts and organisations
Head of the programme: Jelena Likić, MSc in Biology

The education programme aims to:
- Develop modern, research-, critically- and analytically-oriented programmes for children and adolescents;
- Popularise the STEM approach and methodology in non-institutional education;
- Cooperate with kindergartens, schools, universities and public institutions;
- Enable the complementation of formal curricula;
- Develop a sustainable and modern program for educating STEM educators.
The education programme is a year-long programme conducted at two levels.
Head of the programme: Kristina Duvnjak, MSc in Biology

The programme for nature and environmental protection:
- Carries out projects and activities in the field of nature and environmental protection;
- Promotes values of biodiversity in the Republic of Croatia and the importance of conserving endangered species and habitats;
- Promotes positive practices of sustainable development, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and nature and environmental protection;
- Contributes to scientific and professional biological research of flora, fauna and habitats (inventory, biomonitoring, biodiversity monitoring, analysis of impacts of planned projects).
- Head of the programme: Petra Peleš, mag. oecol. et prot. nat. and mag. ing. agr.
Head of the programme: Petra Peleš, mag. oecol. et prot. nat. i mag. ing. agr.

General information
Bioteka – association for promotion of biology and related sciences
Address: Vladimira Preloga 7, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Bank Account Number: HR3024020061101169872, Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Founded in 2010.